The Home Straight
De-cluttering, moving and downsizing advice, occupational therapy advice on equipment and adaptations and how to stay safe and independent in your own home.
07840 544420
The Home Straight can advise you on how you could adapt your current home so that you can continue to live there safely and independently, and they can help and support you through the entire process of moving and downsizing.
They will identify any alterations and/or equipment which will enable you to stay safe and independent. If necessary, they can identify trusted trades people and organise and manage their work to completion for you.
They can support you through the entire process of moving and downsizing to a smaller property, sheltered housing or care home, by assisting you to de-clutter, recycle and/or sell unwanted items. They can organise all aspects of your move and arrange care for pets.
They also offer advice and guidance on improving your wellbeing in a new environment by helping you connect quickly to and get involved in, local community and voluntary groups, arts and faith groups. They can assist you to access relevant health and social care services or identify private home help.